Reflections in The Mirror of the Ey

I hope to share with you here photos from my personal collection and quotes which reflect how I feel about the subjects. Some of the collection are new and some are old. Most of the photos were taken by myself or my husband, Ricardo Montoya. In the collection there are family photos in black and white. These were taken by various family members.

I hope you enjoy these "reflections" from the mirror of my eye.

(By the way, at the bottom of the page there's a place to leave your "calling card" or, in other words, a shout box. Thanks.)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fat Tuesday in Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico

Fat Tuesday or Tuesday de Carnival is the beginning of the Mardi Gras here in Patzcuaro.  These photos were taken by my hubby, Ricardo.




Danza de Los Negritos in Tocuaro, Michoacan, Mexico

These photos were taken about 15 years ago (non-digital) in Tocuaro, Michoacan, Mexico during the Fiesta de Los Negritos.




Sunday, July 18, 2010

For Cloud Watchers Only

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Occasionally our sky is graced with a rainbow, especially during a “sun shower”.  On this day there was just a smidgen of rainbow visible to the side of Cerro Blanco (White Hill).






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No folk, this isn’t smoke.  It’s just one of the unusual cloud formations that we get in the sky over Patzcuaro.  This one caught my eye because of the blue sky, fluffy white clouds and the dark smoky triangle just sitting there.





Clouds 008






I’m a “cloud watcher” and am constantly mesmerized by the sky here.  These are some of the towering clouds that accumulate behind the mountains which encircle Lake Patzcuaro.






All of these pictures were taken from the balcony outside of our bedroom.  A great place for cloud watching.  The Island of Janitzio is at the bottom center of the photo.



Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cocinas Economicas

I have found that, if you're looking for the best tasting food at the most reasonable price, look for a cocina economica (economy kitchen)  with customers.  If there is a steady clientele, chances are that the food is plentiful, tasty and safe. 

The first photo is of a "cocina" in the Mercado de Independencia in Moralia, Michoacan.  Great food!  The second photo is of a "cocina" in the mercado in Melaque, Jalisco where we would go for breakfast almost every day.  Best beans I've ever tasted!

